Uni-Loc® Steel-Lite Quick Release Joint in Utility Cues

Predator utility cues such as the BK Rush and Air Rush, feature the Uni-loc Steel-Lite Quick Release pin. 

The Predtor Uni-loc Steel-Lite Quick Release pin is a unique joint with a shorter pin than the standard Uni-Loc Quick-Release pin featured on our playing cues. The shaft must be joined with the cue butt with care to align them together correctly, or misthreading may occur. This also applies to break/jump and jump cue handles and forearms. You will need to line the shaft up with the cue butt, insert the pilot end of the shaft into the channel of the pin, and slowly turn clockwise until the thread catches. This shorter pin does not join up as quickly and easily as its counterpart, the longer, Uni-loc Quick Release pin. This is why more care must be taken when joining a shaft to a cue butt, that features the Uni-loc Steel Lite Quick Release pin.

You may be wondering why Predator chose this pin for their utility cues. This pin was created shorter, to provide a “break balance” feature, which allows weight to be more evenly distributed across the cue. This is one reason why the BK Rush Break Cue offers an optimum break weight of 18.5 ounces, to perform its best when a break is executed at medium speed. This is part of the technology, built into the product.

Please click here to read about recommended joint and insert maintenance. Along with following the care instructions for joining your shaft to your cue butt, regular maintenance will prevent mis-threading, joint lock-up, and ultimately, damage to the insert of the shaft. 

For more information on our patented, Uni-loc Joints, please visit www.uni-loc.com



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