
1 comment
  • Official comment

    The Predator QR-2 Extension pairs with any Predator Cue equipped with the Uni-Loc® Weight Cartridge System, as well as Poison Cues. This includes cues made in 2012, and beyond. Below, we have included a list of compatible cues for your reference:

    Sneaky Pete SP4, SP6 and SP8 Series
    8K and 9K Series Cues
    BK3 and BK-Rush Break Cues
    Blak 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Series Cues
    Ikon 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Series Cues
    Throne 1st and 2nd Generation Series Cues
    P3 Series Cues
    Sport II Series Cues
    Limited and Special Editions (2012 and newer)
    Predator CRM and Molinari by Predator Carom Cues

    If your cue is a first generation Ikon, it does not feature the weight cartridge system, and our only suggestion would be to consult your local cue maker, and inquire about a custom extension.

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