Difference between Predator Carom and Pool butt

Dear all,

I've been keep wondering that question for a while but still not get the answer yet! Personally, i think that no matter the type Carom or Pool cues (Predator's products), if they are in the same product line, they would have every specifications in common. Is that right?

Please give me more informations! Thank you very much!



  • Official comment

    Dear Hoa,

    Actually even for cues that have the same line names for both pool and carom, there are differences in taper, as well as weight and therefore balance between pool cue butts and carom cue butts.

    In general Carom cue butts have a straight taper, with an overall slightly lighter butt weight on average. They also have a lighter joint (Titanium Uni-Loc or Aluminum Radial).

    The diameter at the joint is the same, which means that carom and pool butts and shafts are interchangeable.

    The length of carom and pool butts is also the same (29"). Carom shafts are however shorter than pool shafts (27.25" Vs. 29")

    Let us know if you have any other questions.

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  • Thank you Phillippe,

    Your great answer helps me clear all the questions, i really appreciate it!

    Thanks for your supporting!

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