Phenolic or something else

I purchased my BKRUSH Break Que mid December 2023, Last week I noticed a layer of the tip had separated from the rest of the Tip of course ater spending over $700 dollars or this world class predator break que. I was told this was not a defect and that it was a maintenance issue that I should have scuffed and shape the tip beore using it and it would not have happened. I've never scuffed or shaped a breake que that had a Phenolic tip? 

However there is a solution for $50 plus shipping Predator would replace the tip. I'm very unhappy with this response from such a world class company.  Had I known this would happen ater a month of having the BKRush more than likely would have not purchased the product.






  • Official comment

    Hi Rick!

    This has been escalated to our Customer Service team so we can assist you. 

    Thank you for your feedback!

    High regards,


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  • Stasi, 

    Have not heard back from the custmer service team? What's the status of the escalation? One follow-up question. I'm considering having a new Phenolic tip put on my BKRUSH break stick, will that violate your so called lifetime warranty?




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