314 shaft finish

Bough a 4 point Sneaky Pete with 314 shaft 1 year ago. I play about 2 to 3 hours a week in the fall, winter less in spring, summer.  The finish on the shaft has deteriorated to the point of replacement. I use a JB case with a sleeve for storage, Predator chalk and dry microfiber towel for cleaning prior to storage. My question is this normal wear? Will a Z shaft wear better? Is this shaft worth refinishing?

Overall quality, feel and consistency of the cue is exceptional.



1 comment
  • Official comment

    The life of the shaft sealant depends on the wear and friction the shaft experiences, along with the type of maintenance performed on the shaft. In this case, we would recommend shaft reconditioning in order to restore, preserve, and protect the shaft. For more information, please contact our Customer Service Department at customerservice@predatorgroup.com

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